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ESR5 - Paper published

Mujde Akdeniz (ESR 5), together with immense contributions of Claudia Alessandra Manetti (ESR 1) published the paper entitled Deep Learning for Multi-Level Detection and Localization of Myocardial Scars Based on Regional Strain Validated on Virtual Patients on IEEE Access Journal on February 8th, 2023. The proposed work serves as proof of concept for detecting myocardial scars on left ventricle (LV) utilizing the LV strain traces. The method is validated on a dataset of virtual patients simulated with the CircAdapt model (based at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, CARIM School for Cardiovascular Diseases, Maastricht University Medical Center). The proposed algorithm can successfully detect the existence of myocardial scars on 305 virtual patients with 98% accuracy. The open access paper can be found at IEEE Explore for the interested reader.

Earlier Event: October 14
MARCIUS at IUS 2022 in Venice
Later Event: February 20
ESR4 - Second paper published